Cloud-based or network-based services are similar concepts to most of us. Think of Internet TV instead of a VCR or DVR… sharing digital photos online instead of on DVDs or glossy prints… voicemail instead of an answering machine.
Why not apply the same concept, with all its benefits, to your business phone system?
A cloud-based telephone solution delivers the benefits of modern IP business communications without requiring you to buy, install, or maintain an on-site communications server (PBX). Phone service is said to be offered from the cloud, referring to the cloud-like shape often used to represent a service provider’s IP network.
The central intelligence of the phone system resides in a service provider’s secure data center. All you need to have on site are the end user devices (such as telephones and attendant consoles) and the local network gear to connect those devices to the provider’s IP network.
Whether you want to conserve capital, enjoy complete phone system flexibility, or simply free your IT talent for better things than running the office phone system, a cloud-based telephone solution can be very liberating—and surprisingly affordable.
Your users can program their own phone features, including buttons, speed dial numbers, voicemail forwarding and more, just as they would if the server were in your office. But unlike an on-site server, you don’t have to worry about system hosting, power protection, performance, maintenance, or upgrades.
Moves and changes are all done for you, and you always benefit from the latest software and features. Your facilities manager or network administrator gets relevant reports about system configuration, management, and performance.
Toshiba’s cloud offering is the award-winning VIPedge® cloud-based telephone solution. Available at A-Teck.
Your communications system is more than a tool to connect with colleagues, customers, and vendors. It projects an image. It sends a strong message about the efficiency, productivity, and professionalism of your business. With Toshiba’s IPedge system, every location, every branch office—from 8 users to thousands of users—can present an enterprise-class face to the to the world.With Toshiba’s IPedge, sophisticated IP communications come in a single, compact server that occupies a mere 1U of rack space or sits on a shelf. One server provides the productivity, convenience, and control capabilities the business needs, such as:
Complete business telephone features
Voice mail with unified messaging
Unified communications
Meet-me audio and video conferencing with Web collaboration
Mobility solutions
Contact center solutions
Unify your Premise- and Cloud-based Business Telephone Systems Into One Integrated, Companywide Network
Organizations often evolve in phases. Organic growth fuels expansion into new facilities and geographic markets. Mergers and acquisitions bring a mix of operational support technologies. Most organizations of any size run on a diversity of processes and platforms.
Perhaps your business installed a digital-and-IP phone system at its original location, then deployed pure IP phone systems at new locations that opened within the last few years, and then embraced cloud telephony in the last year to support satellite locations and remote workers.
Toshiba’s Power of Choice
Customers can get all three of Toshiba’s phone system options from one trusted source:
With Toshiba’s VIPedge® cloud-based telephone solution, award-winning features are available on a pay-as-you-go monthly service, with no onsite server required.
Toshiba’s IPedge® pure IP system is built on open standards and deployed on a Linux server that occupies a mere 1U (less than two inches) of rack space.
Toshiba’s Strata® CIX™ platform is a converged IP/digital/analog system—ideal for sites that don’t have LAN wiring to every desktop, still use digital phones and will evolve to IP in stages.
Multiple Platforms, One Unified Phone System
Toshiba’s business phone systems share the same telephones, call processing, calling features, applications, look and feel for users—and they network together very nicely.
With comprehensive communications compatibility among VIPedge Net, IPedge Net and Strata Net, you can network a mix of VIPedge, IPedge and Strata CIX systems
IP business phone systems use your existing IP data network—your local area network (LAN)—to process voice calls and handle system administration, which offers huge advantages over traditional digital business phone systems. With IP communications, you get:
Freedom from long-distance charges, since voice calls run over your intranet and service provider IP networks (with our cloud-based IP business phone solution)
New services, such as unified communications, which seamlessly blends various types of communications, and user mobility, where features follow users everywhere they go
The power for users to access, personalize, and control their communications, wherever they are–at their desks, roaming the halls, at home or on the road
Lower costs, as one network does the work of two, reducing equipment and administration requirements
If your organization has or is considering an IP business phone system, you’ll want to take full advantage of its benefits. Success depends not only on the phone system you choose, but also on how you connect that system to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). SIP trunking allows you to connect your IP phone system to the PSTN over a broadband connection.
In addition to the standard business services you expect, SIP supports advanced IP services such as IP contact centers, Find-me Follow-me, unified communications and the ability to have local numbers in various markets served by one central business phone system.
Top benefits of SIP trunking:
Reduce communication costs.
SIP trunks use bandwidth flexibly and efficiently, so you can get more from available broadband bandwidth. You can eliminate those separate, underutilized, single-purpose analog or ISDN circuits.
Simplify the communications infrastructure.
Since SIP Trunking works over IP networks, it potentially eliminates the complexity of managing separate services such as ISDN PRI or multiple analog lines.
Get more out of available trunk bandwidth.
Unlike ISDN trunks with their fixed voice or data channels, with SIP trunking, bandwidth can be dynamically allocated between voice and data at any time. If there are lots of concurrent calls, more bandwidth can be used for voice, and if nobody is talking on the phone, all bandwidth is available for data.
Support business-grade voice quality.
Shifting voice calls onto the data network doesn’t require compromise. You can get the voice quality you expect by using a business-grade broadband connection and enterprise-class router/firewall—and configuring the router to prioritize voice traffic over data traffic.